Seriously Smart Website Design with Web-based Applications

With client-server systems we can solve a lot of business software solutions. Web-based solutions can make your communications with clients and your staff much easier. Your company’s business applications are actually your website design. Your website is not just a display of your company’s information, but it becomes the tool for interacting with you. This is the case for whoever is interacting with you, from new viewers, existing clients, existing consumers, new consumers, partners and even your subcontractors. There are so many reasons why this type of business strategy is proving itself to be popular and effective. We cannot possibly list them all in one piece. However, here are some serious reasons why it is time to upgrade your site, and your whole business.

Centralised location. Your site becomes more than the focal point of doing business with you, it is the way to do business with you. This is the same for whoever contacts you. By having login accounts we can manage what information they access. You can even have a Windows terminal emulator built into your site that allows your suppliers and subcontractors to deal with your large mainframe computer, if that is the case. There is no limit to what can be done.

Seriously Smart Website Design with Web-based Applications

Information sharing and security. Your site is access to your company database and any other services you determine. With highly secure sites we can keep all of our information safe, and yet accessible. Your company information stays on your database. You only have to maintain storage and safety of your database. Managed server solutions provide offsite backup solutions as a part of their packages. Everything is neatly packaged away.
Mobile. Anyone can do business with you anywhere at any time. We are in the era of mobile computing. Because your company’s interactions are browser based, you are accessible to everyone, on any device. The introduction of the new Windows 8 operating system is going to make this approach very exciting as it allows HTML5 and JavaScript (the language of the Internet) to run natively on the operating system, while the operating system can run on all devices. This will mean those users will not even need a browser to access your online application.
Software needs. Whether it is your clients, or your mass-consumers, or even your staff, no one needs an application to deal with you. Your site design is the application, and you have control over what it does. Essentially, your site is a total business software solution. You do more than SEO and online marketing with it. You push your business through it.

Minimise and focus IT costs. You can minimise your company’s IT department while you improve your efficiency and reduce your costs because you are not paying them to manage all your computers and networks. You are managing one location. That is your online business application. You can still have your own network online through VPN (Virtual Private Networks) technology and applications. These can also be built into your site.
Smart web-based applications are getting better and faster all the time. You could restructure your whole operations with the development of a smart-site. Are your competitors leaving you behind?