How to Cut your Stress Levels at Work

Work is a huge part of our lives and if we are getting stressed by it, this can have a big negative impact on other parts of our lives – losing sleep, feeling irritable and developing bad habits are all common problems that people who are experiencing stress in the workplace might have.

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However, if this sounds like you, there are a few things that you can do to help yourself if you are feeling particularly stressed at work at the moment…

Speak to a Senior – It is worth speaking to a manager or HR person if you are feeling unhappy in your work and are experiencing stress as they probably are not aware of how you feel and may be able to take measures to help you.

Look for Alternative Therapies – Things like aromatherapy, massage and acupuncture can all help with feelings of stress. Many people swear by these, and you could even find someone like this mobile massage London based company to come to your workplace.

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Exercise – This gets the endorphins going – the feel good chemicals – which helps to lower stress levels. If you are not usually very active, start slowly with a gentle walk or a bike ride, or take up  a sport – there are usually plenty of local groups and clubs offering various sporting activities from five a side football to martial arts, have a look around your local area.