Drain Lining Myths to Debunk

Maintaining a healthy and efficient drainage system is crucial for every property owner, and drain lining has emerged as a popular solution for addressing issues without the need for extensive excavations. However, with the rise in popularity, various myths and misconceptions have surfaced. Read on to find out more.

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Drain lining is temporary

One prevalent misconception is that drain lining offers only a temporary fix. The truth is that modern drain lining materials are durable and long-lasting. When installed by professionals such as those at www.wilkinson-env.co.uk/sewer-repairs-drain-lining-concrete-cutting/drain-repairs/gloucesterdrain lining Gloucester can provide a robust and reliable solution that lasts for many years.

Drain lining is expensive

Some believe that drain lining is an expensive option compared to traditional excavation methods. However, when you factor in the costs associated with digging up and repairing the landscape, drain lining often proves to be a more cost-effective solution. It minimises the need for disruptive excavation, reduces labour costs, and prevents the additional expenses associated with restoring driveways, gardens, or pavements.

Drain lining is only for serious cases

Contrary to popular belief, drain lining is not only for extreme cases of pipe damage. It is a versatile solution that can be used for a wide range of issues, including minor cracks, leaks, and root intrusions. Drain lining can be employed as a preventive measure to address potential problems before they escalate, saving property owners from costly and extensive repairs in the future.

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Drain lining causes environmental harm

Some individuals worry that the materials used in drain lining may harm the environment. In reality, many drain lining products are environmentally friendly. Additionally, this eco-friendly aspect extends to the installation process itself, as it minimises the need for heavy machinery and reduces the overall carbon footprint associated with traditional excavation methods.