Home Humidity: How to Determine the Proper Level

As the summer comes around, it is becoming more and more important to control the temperatures inside the home. If the temperature outside crosses the triple digit mark, you can imagine what it is going to feel like inside. You will probably be blasting your air conditioner to beat the heat. But have you thought of some of the ways that you will beat the humidity? Humidity can be just as bad as heat. In fact, it can make it feel much hotter than it actually is. Not only that, but having moisture levels that are too high can also cause water damage, mold proliferation and more. Here is how to determine the proper level of home humidity.

First and foremost, you should know that if the humidity level is too low, you can start to experience all sorts of problems. For instance, you may start having respiratory issues and nose bleeds. When the air is dry, it is also thin, so the capillaries in your nose become very delicate. Not only that, but dry air can cause furniture and structural elements of your home to dry out. This dry air can be caused by many different factors, but most of the time it has to do with having too much heat in the home – it can literally dry out the air.

Also, too much moisture can be a bad thing as well. If your home has too much humidity it can feel sticky and uncomfortable. High humidity can also cause other problems, like condensation and water damage. Eventually you have mold spores growing on certain items. High humidity can occur when the weather outside is particularly humid, but it can also occur when your ductwork isn’t properly set up. If the ductwork is outputting too much air, it could cause your moisture levels to skyrocket.

Ideally, you want to keep the moisture levels between a 25% and 30% range. Any more or less and there will most likely be problems or issues as a result of not having enough moisture or too much. You can also feel it when the moisture levels are too high or too low. Besides the obvious physical effects – both to your health and your property – you will be able to perceive a lack of moisture or excess moisture. When there is too much moisture, the air is thick. If there isn’t enough moisture, the air will feel dry and uncomfortable.

In the end, there are a lot of solutions to your fluctuating humidity levels. For one thing, you could install a home whom humidifier that will give the option of checking the levels on a smart thermostat. In fact, many people who learn how controlling humidity works also learn how programmable thermostats save you money on energy bills. Indeed, controlling the temperature in your home is directly related to the control of the humidity levels inside your home. At the end of the day, once you put a figure on the humidity levels, you will also be able to tackle the temperatures more efficiently.