How to tackle silverfish in your home

Nobody wants to discover an insect infestation in their home and knowing how to deal with one can be challenging, to say the least. And one of the most unpleasant invaders are the insects known as silverfish. This particular species can affect your property all through the year, and breed extremely rapidly, making it important to take back control, fast.

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A potential health risk

Fortunately, the main issue with having silverfish is the simple fact that they (and their droppings) don’t look very nice when spotted around the home. If you are concerned, you can learn more about the problems that having a silverfish infestation can lead to, including health issues and allergies..

And, if you are worried that the condition of your drains could leave your property at risk of these uninvited guests, it’s a good idea to contact an expert in drain lining Oldbury.

Tackle your drain lining in Oldbury

That’s because the most common point of entry for these tenacious little creatures is via the drainage systems. And if your drain lining isn’t in as good shape as it could be, you may well find that you’re attracting silverfish to your property. Silverfish love a moist, dark, environment, so don’t be surprised if they start to appear in a cellar or bathrooms, through the sink, bath or shower drain entry points.

To get rid of them, you’ll need to get any leaking drains fixed, pronto, and then apply sticky traps to their entry areas. You can buy special traps to use, as well as insecticides to kill the insects already sharing your living quarters.

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Then, it’s time to move on to prevent any future recurrence of the infestation. Add a fan to bathrooms to avoid excessive humidity levels and keep all areas free of clutter and exposed food sources. Silverfish love cardboard and paper and certainly thrive where they can enjoy a free meal of your dinner scraps. Filling and caulking any cracks in the walls will also help to keep your property silverfish-free.